Arterial Ulcer Treatment

Blood circulates from the heart to every cell in the body via the arterial system, first via larger arteries(aorta), then branching into smaller main arteries, then into smaller arteries, and then into capillaries, which are found at the tip of the arterial tree. Arterial blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to cells to maintain health and life, without which tissues die.

There are many reasons why arterial insufficiency occurs, including arteriosclerosis - plaque development in the lumen of the artery/capillary. Destruction of capillaries from diseases such as diabetes, from smoking, high blood pressure, trauma or unrelieved pressure, and age-related changes causes vasoconsolidation or vasoconstriction. For many of these non-healing wounds, painful ulcers, and urgent arterial ulcer treatment are needed to improve the ulcer's blood supply.

Arterial insufficiency, often called peripheral arterial disease, lack of or a reduction in the blood supply. It is found in varying degrees of severity among sufferers ranging from mild PAD to critical ischemia. PAD of the lower extremities accounts for around 10% of all leg ulcers. However, a leg ulcer could be of varied etiology. It is crucial to identify the type of ulcer treated as the wound management required for different types of ulcers is very different. Early intervention of a wound care specialist must be given a top priority to initiate a preventive program besides correct wound treatment.

For many of these non-healing wounds, painful ulcers, and urgent arterial ulcer treatment are needed to improve the ulcer's blood supply.

  • Wound Care Surgeons
  • Wound Care Surgeons
  • Wound Care Surgeons
  • Wound Care Surgeons