
Wounds are classified as acute or chronic. While acute wounds heal in an uncomplicated and rapid manner, chronic wounds fail to proceed through an orderly and timely healing process and result in loss of anatomic and functional integrity.

The factors that affect wound healing from a chronic wound health perspective are many and are both intrinsic (Individual's internal or comorbidities) or extrinsic (external to the individual). The patient must be assessed holistically by wound care doctors so that the factors influencing delayed healing rates can be identified and addressed as far as possible.

Intrinsic factors are Age, Gender, Psychological, Physical, Lifestyle, Nutrition, medications, comorbidities.

Extrinsic factors are environment, wound dressings, clothing, footwear, wound anatomical location site, the temperature of the wound bed, nutrition, wound management technique & skills of the wound care expert.

The lists above are not exhaustive, and many unique factors not listed here may apply to the individuals, such as a rare medical condition or a particular lifestyle. Wound Care Surgeons ensures that we identify all potential factors relating to any individual. We approach each individual in a holistic assessment at the onset of care and regularly monitor patients weekly throughout the healing process to treat chronic, non-healing wounds.