Feeding Tubes

A feeding tube is a silicone tube used to provide nutrition and hydration to patients who need supplemental feeding or those who cannot eat by mouth due to swallowing difficulty. These tubes can be used to deliver both food and fluids and can also provide medications when needed.  

Wound Care Surgeons perform feeding tube replacements to prevent clogging, leakage, maceration, bleeding, and chronic wound infection of the stoma. The wound care specialist can also provide an urgent replacement for dislodged feeding tubes. Our feeding tube services provide the convenience of bedside replacement and x-ray services that eliminates potentially long Emergency Room visits for patients and families. We reduce the overall cost, time, energy, and stress from feeding tube related issues. Wound Care Surgeons provide such services to patients at the comfort of their homes, skilled nursing facilities, and Board and Care/ Assisted Living Facilities. Wound Care Surgeons deliver prompt and proper communication to ensure that patients continue to receive feedings as soon as possible after the feeding tube replacement.