Terms & Conditions

Terms Of Use

All information contained within this website is the copyright of Wound Care Surgeons unless otherwise noted. Except for the use by an individual for his own personal information, the content of this website may not be reproduced or copied in whole or in part without the prior written permission of WCS.


Information contained in this website is provided as a service to the community and is for informational purposes only. While the information is believed to be complete, and generally in accord with the standards accepted at the time of publication, because of the possibility of human error and changes in medical science, WCS does not warrant that the information contained in this website is complete, accurate, current or reliable. WCS makes no representations or warranties, express or implied. This information is not intended to be, nor should it be considered, medical advice. You should contact your physician or other health professional for advice concerning a particular condition or concern.


Please be advised that certain products and medications, which may be referred to in this website, whether by brand name or generically, are given for informational purposes only and not by way of endorsement, recommendation or approval.


It is the policy of WCS to obtain any required permission for use of the pictures included in this website. In the event a picture has been included for which permission was not granted, it is through inadvertence and the picture will be removed upon receipt of notice.


You should know that websites/pages (other than WCS sites/pages) referred to or linked from this site are not under the control WCS. Accordingly, WCS can make no representation concerning the content of these sites to you, nor can the fact that WCS has listed these links serve as an endorsement by WCS of the sites or any information or further links contained on those sites. WCS is providing these links only as a convenience to you. This is to inform you that WCS has not reviewed these sites and therefore cannot make any representations regarding the quality or reliability of any information found on these sites.