Up to 15% of seniors have at least one type of wound or wound-related infection, and the prevalence of chronic wounds continues to increase each year.
Critical Limb Ischemia (CLI) and chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI) are advanced forms of peripheral arterial disease (PAD). This common circulation problem occurs when arteries that carry blood throughout the body become narrowed or blocked, restricting blood flow to legs and feet. Those who smoke, have diabetes or chronic kidney disease, or suffer from high blood pressure or high cholesterol are susceptible to CLI and its complications. Left untreated, CLI can lead to tissue loss, gangrene, amputations, and, eventually, death. The statistics are grim. We know 60% of patients who receive an amputation due to PAD or CLI die within two years—this is higher than the five-year mortality rate for patients with breast, colon, and prostate cancer.
In Los Angeles, wound Care Surgeons are well-known, established for a decade, and committed to providing above and beyond standards of care treatment for chronic, non-healing wounds at the bedside.
From Pressure Ulcers, Diabetic Ulcers, Arterial Ulcers, Venous Ulcers to, infected, surgical, and burn wounds, our experienced and trained staff will examine wound and after a detailed analysis; a customized treatment program is created to the unique need of every patient.
It is essential to create an optimal physiological environment around a wound to promote new cells' growth. We follow evidence-based care pathways for achieving such conditions.
At Wound Care Surgeons in Los Angeles, we provide wound care and feeding tube replacement services in home comfort.
Eliminate the struggle of visiting wound care centers at hospitals and save time, money, and energy.

Feeding Tubes Services
A feeding tube is a silicone tube used to provide nutrition to patients who cannot eat by mouth. These patients usually have trouble swallowing safely, or patient needs supplemental feeding. People with cancer, dementia, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), protein-energy malnourished, poor appetite for a long time, liver failure, a head or neck disorder can benefit from having a feeding tube. There are different types of feeding tubes including ones that go through the nose, stomach, or intestines.
Wound Care Surgeons can replace your feeding tube for issues such as clogging, leakage, maceration and infection at the stoma site, bleeding from hypergrnulation tissue or dislodged feeding tube.
Urgent feeding tube replacement services are available for eligible patients seven days a week.
Why WCS?
WCS provides clinical expertise through:
- G-tube or PEG replacement with radiologist read
- Assessment and treatment of all wound types including (Pressure Ulcers- Stages I-IV, Non-Pressure- Arterial, Diabetic, Venous and Postsurgical Wounds)
- All patients receive the same quality of care, regardless of payer source. We accept Medicare, Medi-Medi, PPO, HMOs, and IPAs with approved authorization.
- Continued quality measures and improvement activities in built in our practice protocol.
- Physicians recommend generic dressings keeping wound dressing supplies costs contained
- We work as part of a wound care team with your nurses to improve healing rates.
- Physicians may incorporate dietician consult and IV antibiotic therapy if clinically necessary
- Physician documentation and orders supporting your care are completed and returned within 24 hours of our provider's encounter with the patient.

Surgical Wound Consult
We accept all kind of wounds and ulcers for consult and management so that home health and hospice nurses can have wound specialist orders for faster healing or palliative wound care for simple and complex wounds of any etiology. We debride wounds under local anesthesia and use various modalities post debridement to heal wounds faster. We decrease wound size extension by enhancing nutrition, decrease risk of infection and place patients on proper antibiotics, minimize trauma, pain, hospitalization and increase patient quality of life by preventive care programs.