How To Recognize If A Wound Is Infected or Not

Guidelines for Wound Photography

Do you know that whenever you sustain an injury, your body starts to heal itself just a few minutes after occurring the incident? Our body is an incredible machine capable enough to fight invasions, mend bones, and regenerate new skin. But it may happen with you that sometimes the efficient process of healing gets disrupted when any germs and bacteria enter the skin due to an injury or surgery and start developing. Recognizing the early signs of wound infection can help wound care experts to quickly intervene with the treatment. The infection not only interrupts the closing of the initial wound but can also cause sickness of its own. If they do not get treated well, a simple infection can turn into a chronic wound over time. So, you need to make sure that you keep watching over your injury throughout the healing process.

Here are a few signs that would help you find whether a particular wound is infected or not. Let’s have a look:

How To Tell If My Wound Is Infected?

If you have a cut, scrape, or burn with an odd appearance that is not healing properly within the general period, there might be a possibility that you might suffer from an infected wound. Read on to learn how to tell if a particular wound is infected or not and how to look for the possible signs of infection:

1. Warmth - In the initial stage of wound healing, if you notice warm skin around the wound to the touch which does not start cooling down, that it can indicate the signs of the infection. This occurs because the white blood cells are fighting germs and bacteria. But if the injury continues to stay warm after the first five days, it is a positive sign as the body is fighting to keep bacteria or infection away.

2. Redness and Swelling - Again, shortly after you have sustained an injury, you may notice the area may be swollen and tender in addition to pink and reddish-toned. But this is a normal condition as the blood is flowing to the area to provide oxygen and other essential nutrients for effective healing. However this process generally takes place within the first few days of the injury but if the redness and swelling stay more than five days, it could be a sign of improper healing.

3. Discharge - If the wound is discharging small amounts of pus, it is a positive sign of healing. However, if there is continuous drainage and you start noticing bad odor or have discoloration, the wound is likely infected.

4. Pain - Pain is a normal condition after sustaining an injury. In case of deep wounds, you may suffer more prevalent while the severe wounds that affect beneath the surface of the skin will generally resolve itself within two days. But if there is long-lasting pain, it can also be a sign of infection.

5. Fever - If an infection enters the bloodstream and spreads through the body, it can cause fever and general inconvenience.

If you are struggling with a wound or find any signs of infections, see immediately infected wound treatment. The certified and trained team of doctors, physicians, and nurses provide quality and effective treatment of all types of chronic and non-healing wounds. They perform a thorough analysis of the current wound condition and then recommend the right and suitable treatment best fits the patient.