No cost to Home Health. WCS works directly with patients’ Insurance.

Same day clinic appointment are available.

Plan of Care coordinated with your Home Health nurse.

Hospices are responsible for payment of services for their patients.

Home Visiting nurses can do telemed when they are with the patient for questions and concerns.

WCS documentation supports wound care treatments.

Pre-visit planning based on co-morbid conditions to optimize treatment plan.

Dressing supplies costs are reduced by eliminating unnecessary dressing changes & frequent order changes.

Surgeons and allied WCS staff work within the Home Health agency’s existing dressing supplies formulary to help keep dressing supplies costs low.

Your organization will differentiate itself in the community as an agency of excellence affiliated with WCS.

WCS surgical staff team works with your nurses, Dietician and Physical Therapists to make a coordinated plan to resolve and heal wounds.

WCS staff can also assist you with palliative wound care for terminally ill patients.

WCS medical staff may incorporate dietician consult and IV/IM antibiotic therapy if clinically necessary.

WCS documentation and orders supporting are completed and returned within 24 hours of our medical providers visit with patient.